23 July 2009
RWA Nationals
I promised this yesterday, didn't I? Ahem. Whoops. Just think of it as a delightful extension to the expansive RWA Nationals Conference.

Over all, I'd have to say it was an incredibly different experience than last year. That's not to say either was better or worse than the other, just....different.

Last year, I was goggle-eyed and focused on sucking in all the knowledge possible. This year, I felt a lot more laid back and I'd have to say my focus was on doing all the network I possibly could.

It was so wonderful seeing old friends, especially my roommates Carrie Lofty and Ann Aguirre. And I met quite a few people in RL that I'd only known previously from the web. Most surreal experience? Having my name recognized a couple times by people I didn't know - once as a result of Twitter, and once from my involvement with "The Italian Gourmet-Baby-Food Baron." (And she did not say "Oh em gee, wtf did you make her a valium addict for?" Was honestly nervous about that.)

Get this - to some people, I'm considered seasoned, and a pro! Who the hell have I managed to kid so well with this act? I met several wet beind the ears women who haven't even finished books, and one whose story was still "in her head." She hadn't even started writing yet, and had still shelled out the cash to go to Nationals, just to see if she wanted to write. More power to her, but I can't even fathom doing that.

The absolute best, best, best part of the whole trip? Meeting my editor, the fabulous Lindsey McGurk. We had an appointment for Friday, but I ended up actually meeting her on Thursday evening, at a party for Tessa Dare. (Her debut is an OMG amazing book, btw. It's still sitting on my night stand 2 weeks after I finished it, simply because I like having it near. What's that tell you?) I ended up staying way longer than I intended to at the party, because I got wrapped up in a discussion on digital publishing with some really smart women - of whom Lindsey was one. We still met the next morning, as well, and I walked away with a boatload of stuff to consider when starting my next work.

But before that, I've got to come up with a synopsis for my current WIP, 'cause my Friday meeting with a Harlequin Blaze editor netted me a partial request. (While this is great, I'm plagued by the self doubt that I think pushes most of us writers to do better every work. Only a partial? I asked myself. Last year I got a full request...but from a different editor.) Now I'm 600 words into the synopsis and I think I've covered only about 20 pages of the book. Not good. Back to the grindstone it is. Oh well. To paraphrase: easier to edit crap than edit nothing.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi :)
Thank you for sharing this fun blog post. Sounds like you had an awesome time at the RWA!
Congratulations on the partial request from an editor.
Looking forward to your writing (be it more blogs and/or more books)!
Love from Northern Ontario

Blogger KT Grant said...

It was great to hang out with you even though you left me to the marine wolves.

Blogger Kate Diamond said...

Hey, congratulations on the partial!

I was not at Nationals this year, specifically because I AM wet behind the ears, but I hope to follow in your footsteps sometime in the next two years!

Anonymous Tessa Dare said...

It was so great to meet you! Congrats on your contract with Samhain, and thanks so much for coming to my party!

Blogger LorelieLong said...

RK: Thanks!

Katiebabs: *angelic smile* But weren't you enjoying yourself?

Kate Diamond: I probably won't be going next year. Maybe the year after?

Tessa Dare: Thanks, and seriously, it was way cool to be invited. :D

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