06 June 2006
new experience
I got my eyebrows waxed and shaped for the first time ever yesterday. I normally just pluck them on my own but I was getting kind of frustrated because I could never seem to get them to match. I'm not sure I'm totally happy with them. It's not like I have to draw them in or anything, but there's something just not quite. . . right about the shape. I guess that's what it is.

Hell, maybe I'm just not used to them yet. They are thinner than my eyebrows used to be.

I was surpised it didn't really hurt at all. Everyone talks about waxing like it's so painful. It kinda tingled, that was all. Of course, I've been plucking at them for years, so maybe I just built up a tolerance.


Blogger Rhianna said...

Ah ha! A fellow plucker! I've been doing it for years too, so there really isn't any pain anymore for me. Plus I did electrolysis (sp?) and that stuff worked!

I've never done a waxing before, but considering what happened when I did so on my legs, I'm not sure I want to on my face. Did you do it at the base salon, or no?

Blogger Household6 said...

It stings for me, but I usually wait until I have a forest growing before I go get them waxed. I am sure I drive my hairdresser crazy for that.

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