04 March 2010
Opposites - With Prizes!
A second blog in a week? How very, very shocking! But when Lisabea and I decided to hook up for a fun little list game, it couldn't be avoided. Don't get used to it or nothin'. ;)

Ok, so Lisabea is also known as LB Gregg. That'd be the fabulously talented LB Gregg, I mean, whose newest release is Catch Me If You Can, which also came out Tuesday, along with Jazz Baby. But really, we're at the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to what we write. Jazz Baby is a heterosexual historical. Catch Me is a m/m contemporary.

It's like chocolate and peanut butter. You wouldn't *think* they go together, but it turns out amazing.

In honor of our opposite-ish-ness, I present you with my top five "Opposites Attract" examples.
Margaret & Mr. Thornton in the BBC’s miniseries of North and South.

There’s rough at the edges yet sexy Mr. Thornton who’s brought himself up from nothing. And prissy, pampered Margaret who almost misses the amazing man right under her nose before finally pulling her head out of her – oh, wait, am I projecting again?

LB Gregg: You're one of those 'crusaders' aren't you? Where's KristieJ? I'm telling you the real hot piece of man flesh in that movie was Higgins, people.

Han Solo and Princess Leia in Star Wars

If anyone reading this does not know who Han Solo and Princess Leia are, I am really, truly never speaking to you again. *flounce* But I will deign to describe them, just for the pure fun of talking about Han Solo. Ah, Han. Smuggler, mercenary and all around smart mouth. Princess Leia, the crusader and resistance fighter determined to save her universe. “I love you.” … “I know.” That should be asshol-ish and it IS but that’s not gonna stop me from sighing every time.

LB: Word. I can't even go slash here because I love Carrie Fisher.

Judd & Brenna in Nalini Singh’s Caressed by Ice

Judd is both a victim and proponent of Silence in Singh’s Psy/Changeling world. He’s so powerful and full on bad-ass that he’ll kill with his mind if he doesn’t keep himself under insanely tight wraps. Brenna is a wolf shifter – she embraces her animal nature and has a wildness of spirit that Judd simply can NOT stay away from, despite knowing the risks. If he’d grow up a little bit, I think Chris Evans would make a great (hawt!) Judd.

LB: I think Chris Evans could butter my toast any time. Judd/Brenna? YES This is my hands down favorite of Nalini's books (that I've read to date).

Sarah Fielding & Derek Craven in Dreaming of You, by Lisa Kleypas

Sarah Fielding is another prim and prissy miss, but she’s no prude, at least. When she meets Cockney bastard (in all meanings of the word) Derek Craven, they’re perfect for each other in a way no one else would. Funny thing? When I googled for images of Derek Craven, Richard Armitage comes up. It’s the John Thornton thing. Hot, self-made guy in an ascot. Rawr.

LB:Ok this is one of my top five romances of all time. Kleypas has a clean/dirty theme throughout this book that breaks my heart. ::melt:: Derek Craven is THE man. Richard? Uhm....he's okay.

Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul

The dude’s a cartoon AND a cat! You can’t get much more opposite from Paula.

LB: Is he a shifter? Because I could see that working

Wanna see LB's list? Then head on over to her blog.

Plus, you can be entered to win a copy of Jazz Baby AND a copy of Catch Me if You Can if you comment at both posts. And to sweeten the pot (heh. It's a pun. Heh.) I'm tossing in a box of See's Candies' Chocolate and Vanilla Lollypops. Yummiest opposites I can think of!

Just drop a comment here about your favorite opposite pairing to win a copy of LB's book. And then head on over to her place and comment there to win Jazz Baby!

ETA: Winners will be announced Monday at Noon, Eastern Standard Time!


Blogger RM said...

Why, of course, Pride and Prejudice's Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy! Both the book and film version (only not the one with Kiera Knightly, ptui! The one with a very yummy Colin Firth, rawr)

Blogger Spav said...

My favourite opposite pairind is Mark Darcy and Bridget Jones from Bridget Jones' Diary. I adore that book! I also like the movie very much.

Blogger s7anna said...

Hmm...the one's that's really standing out in my mind is from a recent read...The Missing by Shiloh Walker... Taige & Cullen...they are from very different worlds.. yet they find in each other something incredibly precious.

Happy Reading
Anna Shah Hoque

Blogger Unknown said...

Now see, I said Lizzy and Darcy as well... she's just so open and loving and emotional, and he's...closed off and brooding. I'm telling you, tall, dark, and brooding is the best! The period costume doesn't heard either. Rawr.

Though I have to say I loved Matthew MacFadyen in that version of P&P. :swoon:

Blogger Unknown said...
Blogger Chris said...

Lorelei, I have some bad news about your blog header and footer guy... He's been stepping out on you and how.

(Not entering the contest - I've already read the super duper awesome book!)

Blogger LorelieLong said...

Chris - Hahahaha! That's classic. I've seen him used on another blog before, but not all those covers! I think I like the Demon Dreamer one best. :D

Ya know, after two years with the same design, it might be time for a change.

Blogger Chris said...

The Demon Dreamer one's my favorite, and was my first encounter with him. :)

Mandi of Smexy Books has him as her mascot, too.

Blogger LorelieLong said...

Yes, that's exactly who I meant when I said I'd seen him on a blog! :D

Blogger Carrie Lofty said...

You forgot the most appropriate word for Han Solo: scoundrel!

Happy releases to you both! *big sloppy girl-on-girl action kisses*

Blogger Chris said...

Heh, obviously that boy is a tramp and you need a new blog mascot. ;)

Blogger LorelieLong said...

Carrie: There's no market for f/f. Yet. Talk to me off-screen. ;)

Chris: I'd agree you're totally & completely correct, but I don't have Photoshop anymore. :(

Blogger Chris said...

That doesn't need to stop you! There's GIMP (altho it pretty much scares me, but I know squat about PhotoShop), plus all sorts of free online image editors.

Blogger Tracy said...

Great list as well! I have to say that everyone loves Dreaming of You and I have yet to read it. *duck and runs*. I KNOW! Believe me I know...someday. :)

Besides my pick on LB's blog I'd have to say that another fav opposite couple would be Dean Robillard and Blue Bailey from Susan Elizabeth Phillips' Natural Born Charmer. Love the book and the opposite-ness was one of the things that I loved about their chemistry.

Blogger lisabea said...

Tracy~I need to send you my battered copy of Dreaming of You.

No kidding.

Carrie-Thank you, love.



s7anna~I need to read The Missing.

Renee~I agree. There is just something about Colin Firth that makes my heart beat faster. RAWR.

Whateverfor--OOps. Ok he's nice too, but...uh...


Blogger Kristie (J) said...

North and South AND Dreaming of You - both in the same post *g* - my favourite movie and my favourite book - sigh

Blogger LorelieLong said...

Tracy - Oh my, yes you really need to read it. Derek's delish.

Kristie - What can I say, you've got great taste. Like me. :D

Blogger The Scarf Princess said...

Don't sign me up for LBs book, I'm reading it right now. While visiting the blogs. But I'm really hoping to win your book. I've heard great reviews for it.

I adore North and South and love that you included it here. Those two are great together and increases my RA devotion.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

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